For folks looking for solenoid/mallet solutions:

Hey all, i thought this would be a heflpful resource for anyone looking to extend their solenoid setup- there is a project on adafruit for a similar midi device that includes purchaseable solenoids and mallet enclosure files for 3d printing:

It saved me a lot of time trying to find compatible parts, hopefully this is useful for someone else out there on the hunt!


Looks cute actually. I love how they used my mallet design and made it 3D Printable – which was actually not viable for my production i terms of time needed for printing / cost. And actually also for sustainability reasons as my goal with dadamachines was reducing plastic waste next to local production in Europe.
For people looking for kits to be sold. is about to get new kits delivered and also will take on support as i am still out of the game for a while for health reasons.