How to Control LEDs?

Hi @johannes! Is there any news about the splitter you mentioned back in 2018, for connecting the automat to led(s)…? I was wondering if you’re planning to share some indications/suggestions/resources on how to use the automat with lights in general.
I think that would be immensely appreciated by many dada users :wink:

@zenobaldi I redesigned the splitter the last couple of days so manufacturing could be done easier.

I am not sure how big the demand would be. But I will make a batch of those together with another Board i designed recently.

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Great news, thank you very much @johannes!
Looking forward to get a splitter and start working with solenoids + lights.
best, Z.

Hi J, I would too like to order several of these - can you please let me know when it’ll be available?
Many thanks!

Would you prefer cold white or warm white LED’s on the adapter?

It is also possible to use these kind of LED’s together with the adapter:

That allows to place the LED more freely.

Also there are shops where you can find LED Strips similar to this - in 24Volts version.
Short strips to maximum 1 meter could be working alongside to a solenoid. Probably better to not go longer than 30cm if connected with a solenoid.

These kinds of strips as 24Volts version can also be used with the adapter that connects the solenoid which comes with the toolkit already. Just put the strip instead of the solenoid.

I will probably use remote LEDs, placed away from the adapters, or strips, as you suggest.
Warm white, I’d say.
When do you think they will be available?

Ready to buy 24 when it will be available!