Looking for the lasercut file for this part

Did somebody find the laser cut file for this elemant part? It is not supplied with the Automat kit but it would come in handy for me?


Hi @Marcvv,

I have checked just now if i can find the design for this part.
And I found the old production file that contains the part.

But usually to elevate the solenoids of the automat toolkit I am using maker beam parts. https://www.makerbeam.com/

Like you can see on this image.
You can also mount the solenoid vertical with maker beam parts.

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@Marcvv If you have a 3D Printer or someone you know.
I have designed a printable version of the part you have been looking for.

solenoid_elevate_3D_01_3.stl (2.9 MB)

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Hi Johannes,

It is great that you found the laser cut file with the upright mount!
Is the pdf file enough to use it for a laser cut or do you need the .svg file for that?

That 3d printed version looks great. I will have to see if I can find someone to print that.

Thanks, Marc

I always exchange laser cut data with pdf with the companies i worked with.
But here you go.

I converted the file to svg: automattoolkit-adapters-elements/wood at master · dadamachines/automattoolkit-adapters-elements · GitHub

ok, I did not know that a pdf is ok. Thanks anyway for the .svg file