Hey, I’m going to buy the automat toolkit, but wondering if the velocity is Totally free, or just 3 settings ( soft medium hard) ?
And if I send it MIDI is the solenoids responding to channels or midi notes, so one solenoid on c1 and another one on c#1, ore midi channel 1 and 2? …
Does anyone drives it with a octatrack ?
And thanks for membership and all the awesome videos. Hope for answers, Adam
Hi Fastpoholmen,
I got my kit around March and I love it. Velocity is free. I typically send my midi via one channel from ableton, but it looks like the configurator tool allows you to customize that parameter:
Elektron boxes send individual tracks via seperate midi channels right? (I have a Rytm, but haven’t attached it to my automat yet)
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hey thanks for answering that. Just ordered one yesterday
,. Yes one midi channel per track on octa ,.
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