I am hoping to power my automat controller without mains power using a power bank. What is the minimum specification to achieve this? Can I use a 12v power bank or can I use a 24v one? Can anyone recommend a good product? I just bought an Anker 537 but it’s not done the job. I am hoping to use something as lightweight as possible and I don’t need to use all the solenoids when I’m off grid so the power draw is quite low.
Hi Batw,
I think, as far as I could find the info on your powersource that you need something much more powerful. johannes wrote something about the power draw of the solenoids and gave a way to calculate that in this thread: https://forum.dadamachines.com/t/solenoid-selection/288/7
With that formula you could calculate what you need based upon the amount of solenoids and what voltage they are working and how much mA they need.
It is maybe not the answer your hoping for but it might be a starting point. Maybe there is someone that already did this and can give you a straight answer. But there are not so many people around on this forum at the moment. You could ask for support of Johannes, but he is very busy. Go to support on the Dadamachines website.
Hope this helps. Cheers
I was using something like this in the past.
But this requires that you have a battery that can deliver enough juice.
I did use a USB C Powerbank which you can use for Laptops successfully.
that looks like a great solution